Site Design-tools Speaker-measurement-s-w
Links and Downloads
Loudspeakers Acoustic Audio Measurements Audio Forums Turntable | |||
DIY Tube Amplifiers Hard & Software Internet Audio Magazines AudioInternet Sites | |||
Some of my Projects Download Horn Construction Plans | |||
- Audio Fanatic (Italy): Tapered quarter-wave pipes, horns, etc.
- Berchet (France): Design information, e.g. on plasma tweeters
- Box Plan Library (Canada): Many construction plans for DIY loudspeakers
- Brient (France): The largest horns you have ever seen
- Car Stereo (USA): Much speaker info and software
- Ciesinger (Germany): Very unusual horns
- Coefs Speaker Lab (Japan): Various cabinet plans for Fostex units
- Daigneau (France): Audax KLS6 floor-standing loudspeaker
- DIY Proac: Home-made clone of the ProAc Response 2.5
- Doppenberg (Holland): Cabinets for full-range loudspeakers (Lowther, Fostex)
- Dunker (Norway): REALLY weird horns !
- Dusek (Czechia): Good design info [Czech language]
- Eckle (AZ, USA): Several speaker projects including large horn
- ESL Club (Holland): About 200 people involved in building their own ESL
- Euraudio Audiophile loudspeaker design
- Frugal Horn (Canada &USA): Cheap DIY hornloudspeakers
- Gallardo (Chile): La Folia homemade ribbon speakers
- Tony Gee (Holland): Well-documented loudspeaker projects
- Gravesen (Denmark): DIY loudspeaker projects
- Haumann (Germany): Plasma tweeters and Jericho horns
- Haute Fidélité (France): Single-driver speakers (Club à Large Bande)
- Henderiecx (Belgium): An impressive active loudspeaker
- Johns Audio Projects: Several speakers, interesting one-driver design
- King: Quarter-wave loudspeakers
- Kreskovsky (USA): Various speakers including LS3/5A clone
- Lautsprecher-Selbstbau (Switzerland): Construction plans etc
- Larsen (Denmark): Duelund horn project
- Leach (GA, USA): Small 3-way satellite loudspeaker
- Linkwitz (USA): Open baffle speaker with matching electronics
- Loesch (UK): High-efficiency loudspeaker projects
- LoudMagnet (Holland): Cabinet plans of various manufacturers
- LS3/5A (UK): Comprehensive site about the BBC LS3/5A
- Loudspeaker Database Very goed :-)
- De Lugt Home-made electrostatic loudspeakers (Holland)
- Mauro (France): Speaker projects from various manufacturers
- Meddens (Holland): Quad electrostat mods, dipole subwoofer, etc.
- Melbourne Audio Club (Australia): Unusual horn with Focal units
- Melhuish (USA): Comprehensive site about fullrange loudspeakers
- Mogale (UK): Plans for (mainly) horn loudspeakers
- Murphy Blaster Productions: Some speaker plans
- Olsher (USA): The Dahlia and Poly Natalia speaker plans
- Olson (CA, USA): The Ariel series of loudspeaker plans
- Ordina Thor (France): Horn and quarter-wave pipe loudspeakers
- Paradox (Holland): Several homebuilt speakers
- Pat (Holland): Horn, quarter wave pipe, open baffle speakers
- Petoin (France): Excellent speaker building page
- Phinder (Germany): Horn and Voigt pipe plans
- Radford (New Zealand): Several speakers including DIY electrostatics
- Remo (Holland): Speaker kits
- Seas (Norway): Suggestions for speakers based on Seas units
- Secrets of Home Theatre & High Fidelity (USA): Some speaker plans
- Sound of the Valve (Italy): Horn & dipole loudspeaker plans
- Speaker Workshop (UK): Audua speaker project, freeware for LS building
- Stalnaker (USA): The Voigt pipe page
- Steele (Grenada): Everything you always wanted to know about subwoofers
- Subwoofer DIY Page: Another page, completely about subwoofer building
- Sumiyama (CT, USA): Several bass-reflex designs
- Supravox(France): Good drive units, nice kits
- Sverrisson (Iceland): Voigt pipes with Kenwood units
- Szekeres (PA, USA): Info on wadding, measurement mics, vibration killing
- Takahashi (Japan): Transmission line with Seas and Accuton units
- Tapered Quarter Wave Pipes (Russia): Theory and practice of TQWP loudspeakers
- Thiele-Small Loudspeaker Database: Parameters of very many speaker units
- Thofte(Denmark): DIY Walsh-type bending-wave transducer
- Transmission Line Page: All about transmission lines
- Ulfman (Holland): Comprehensive site about Karlson couplers
- Van Veldhuizen (Holland): Horn loudspeakers and SE tube amps
- Véron (France): Two- and threeway speaker combinations
- Viggo Pedersen(Norway): Elaborate speaker-building page
- Visaton (Germany): Construction plans for speakers with Visaton units
- Vonhof (USA): Unusual home-built loudspeakers (cat-friendly!)
- Zeeuwe (Holland): DIY electrostatic, dynamic & horn loudspeaker network
Audio Measurements
DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Analog Audio DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Audio Creative DIY Audio Projects and reviews (Dutch)
- Boozhound Laboratories Articles, DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Calcolo di Trasformatori X-former Calculations, DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Chris's Tube Haven DIY Tube Amplifiers
- DDDAC 2000 DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Direct Heated Rob's Home DIY Tube Amplifiers, Tubes
- Electronluv Tube Amplifiers
- Fred Nachbaur's Vacuum Tube Projects DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Friedrich Stockhammer Links, DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Gabe's Tubes 'n' Stuff Information and DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Il sito web Musictubes DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Jeff Korneff Custom DIY Tube Amplifier
- Junij Kouchi Tube Amplifiers and Music Sources JDIY Tube Amplifiers
- Ken Gilbert DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Lee Jaehong 6C33C OTL Schematic, DIY Tube Amplifier
- Magnetic SA Transformers, DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Marco Pedd DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Norman Koren Vacuum tube audio page DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Nuance & Fluence DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Nutshell High Fidelity Speakers, DIY Tube Amplifers, Potentimeters, VSAC
- Paul Cambie's Valve Audio Amplifier and Vintage Tube Radio Restoration Stuff DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Pete Millett's DIY Audio pages DIY Tube Amplifiers
- - Welcome on DIY Tube Amplifiers, Radio Collection
- Raymond's electronics DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Richard's Stuff DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Roger's Tube Amplifiers & Transformers Tube Amplifiers Kit
- Röhrenseite von Hans Borngräber DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Sekido Ryoichi's Audio Page DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Shimano-amp-212amp-e DIY Tube Amplifier
- Sugimoto DIY Tube Amplifiers
- The Musical Machine DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Thomas Schick DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Triode DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Triode audio DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Triode Dick DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Tube Amplifiers and Music Sources DIY Tube Amplifiers
- Ulrich Haumann's Vintage HiFi Pages DIY Vintage Hifi
Site Design-tools Speaker-measurement-s-w
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